FierceWireless Article on Google-Rockstar Settlement Cites Elysium's Patent Portfolio Analysis

FierceWireless Article on Google-Rockstar Settlement Cites Elysium's Patent Portfolio Analysis

IP Litigation

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November 21, 2014
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Earlier this week, Google agreed to settle patent litigation with Rockstar, the consortium backed by Apple, Microsoft and other large tech companies.

FierceWireless author Phil Goldstein writes that "[t]he settlement is significant because Rockstar had gone after Google and several major handset makers that use Google's Android platform, so the détente could potentially signal a cooling of the patent battles between wireless players." He also cites Elysium's independent analysis of the Rockstar patent portfolio, noting that "[w]hile the majority of Rockstar's patents have still not expired, there will be a surge in patent expirations starting in 2017."

To read the full text of Goldstein's article, see FierceWireless.